Take-home teeth whitening is a simple, effective and convenient treatment to enhance your child’s smile and improve the appearance of their teeth. Our take-home teeth whitening kits can help lighten the stains and discolorations caused by foods, drinks, tobacco use, medication, poor dental hygiene and other factors so that your child can once again enjoy the benefits of a brilliant white smile. Our whitening treatments are especially popular among teenagers and young adults.

When your child receives our professional take-home whitening treatment, our skilled pediatric dentist will begin by taking an impression of their teeth. This impression will be used to create customized whitening trays. After the trays have been made, we will provide a powerful whitening gel which will be contained in the Venus White Pro syringes. This gel will be placed into the trays and then worn as directed by our pediatric dentist. The trays may be worn at whatever time best fits your child’s schedule, day or night. Over the course of several weeks, there should be a noticeable improvement in the color of your child’s teeth.

There are a few things that we recommend to help your child maintain a bright, radiant smile. These include practicing good oral hygiene (brushing and flossing daily) and keeping all regular dental appointments. You may also want to consider having your child use a whitening toothpaste or mouthwash and avoiding foods and drinks that stain.

To make an appointment with our pediatric dentist and learn more about take-home teeth whitening, call our office today!